Transforming Communities
At Heart Ministries, we seek to transform communities by demonstrating God's love by bridging the gap between surplus and need, building relationships with other organizations to fill both spiritual and physical needs.
. Whether you’re a non-profit organization seeking donations for your community, a retailer looking to donate goods, or a corporation eager to engage your employees in meaningful volunteer work, we provide the resources and opportunities to make a difference.
At Heart Ministries, we seek to transform communities by demonstrating God's love by bridging the gap between surplus and need, building relationships with other organizations to fill both spiritual and physical needs.
Empowering Nonprofits to Maximize Their Impact
HEART Ministries connects non-profit organizations with a wide range of donated goods that are crucial for serving communities effectively. By joining the the HEART network as a 501(c)3 public charity, you gain access to an extensive catalog of brand new products donated by leading retailers and manufacturers.

$2.5 million in goods distributed

111 cities impacted

Countless healings & changed lives
128 partner organizations engaged
We're giving hope to those that have lost theirs. Here's how we've done that in our local communities in 2024:
& our non-profit partners have done even more!

Charitable Tax Deductions
Clearing Out Costly Space
Brand Positivity & Reputation
Balance Sheet Improvement
Partnering with HEART Response Ministry offers companies a seamless way to demonstrate corporate social responsibility by donating their surplus inventory. This not only supports communities in need but also offers significant benefits to your business:
Donate Overstock, Returned, or Deadstock Inventory

Our volunteers have a passion to help people who don't have the financial means repair to their homes.

HEART has volunteers to assist with storm cleanup, repair damaged homes, sandbag flood threatened homes and businesses, and more.

HEART partners with law enforcement, churches, local businesses, and government agencies to co-host community picnics.
Where we really shine
Your donations help us help those that need it. HEART Response Ministry goes into action quickly to help in the following areas:

June 2024
Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota
HEART partnered with Open Arms Native Missions to provide goods, healing, meals and prayer to those that needed it. Read on the blog >>
Spring 2024
Check out what we've been doing outside the walls of HEART in our local communities. Read on the blog >>
Real stories, real impact.
Our Impact Stories section highlights the powerful outcomes of partnerships with HEART Response Ministry. Each story showcases how donated goods and volunteer efforts have transformed lives & supported communities across the region.
subscribe for our latest impacts, news, volunteer opportunities and more.

Our mission is to transform communities by demonstrating God's love. As we celebrate more than a decade of this commitment, we are expanding hope and our heart for everyone that needs it, everywhere.